Film simulation for Nikon

How to Install Picture Controls on a Nikon Camera

To install and use custom Picture Controls on a Nikon camera, follow these steps:

  1. Download or Create Custom Picture Controls:

If you want, you can download this program, it is not mandatory. But it allows you to edit and adjust the recipe, so you don't have to go to Lightroom and do so much editing. It is up to each person.

  • Download Picture Controls: Nikon offers some additional profiles that you can download from their website, as part of the free Picture Control Utility software.

  • Create Your Own Picture Controls: You can create your own custom profiles using Picture Control Utility, or customise them directly on the camera.

  1. Transfer Custom Picture Controls to the Camera:

  2. Connect your memory card to your computer using a card reader.

  3. Create a folder named "NIKON" in the root of the memory card (if it doesn’t already exist).

  4. Inside the "NIKON" folder, create another folder called "CUSTOMPC".

  5. Copy the Picture Control files (.NP2, .NCP, etc.) into this "CUSTOMPC" folder.

  6. Install the Picture Controls on the Camera:

  7. Insert the memory card into the camera.

  8. In the camera menu, go to:

    • Shooting Menu > Manage Picture Control > Load/Save.

  9. Select the option to Load from memory card and choose the Picture Controls you want to install.

  10. Save the settings.

  11. Apply the Picture Controls:

  12. Go to the Shooting Menu.

  13. Select Picture Control and choose the profile you just installed.

With these steps, your custom Picture Controls should be ready to use!

Angle Gonzalez

Soy un fotógrafo español autodidacta de arquitectura, interiores, estilo de vida y viajes. A veces si tengo hambre tiro alguna imagen de gastronomia...

Actualmente afincado en Edinburgh. Me mude a Inglaterra en el año 2021.

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